Bulletin for 26 May 2024 – Sunday of All Saints

ALL SAINTS SUNDAY, May 26th 2024.

Dear Friends,

00BD17AF-D537-4219-A9DF-5D1C4244BA1AToday we celebrate the Sunday of All Saints. In a sense it is in its logical place in the calendar. For, having celebrated the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost what we now look to is the Saints. We look to them as those who have been transformed by the Holy Spirit and made in to heroes of the Faith.

We read in the Ambon prayer:

“O Lord glorious in the council of your Saints, you are the boast of the Apostles, the joy of prophets, the support of martyrs, the gladness of venerable ascetics and the crown of the Mother of God. Give us your peace and love. Guide and guard our lives, that through the mercy of your goodness, we may be made worthy to imitate their struggles, and, pleasing to you, to attain future happiness with them.”

The Liturgy is reminding us of their struggles and also of their perpetual reward. The Liturgy tells us it is by God’s mercy that we become saints.

Becoming a saint is not something reserved to monks and nuns. It is in fact the common call of all of us. We are especially celebrating the saints unknown to us, who have led lives similar to ours in their daily grind, in their joyful service, in their hope which enflamed their charity.

Last week we saw the twelve fisherman who had caught the whole world in their nets because of their transformation at Pentecost.

We are like the Apostles in the sense that the Holy Spirit was poured out upon us at Baptism. We see in them the wonders God can work in simple fishermen.

Do we even remember the special date of our own baptism? Do we ask for the graces needed to keep us on the straight and narrow as we bear our crosses? Do we acknowledge that the common call is to holiness?

What we should acknowledge is God’s Goodness, which transforms the faithful who have gone before us in many walks of life.

Just as we have a cloud of witnesses who have blazed their trail, let us imitate them in what are very similar challenges and know that there is a great reward for us.

Concerning the cloud of Witnesses in Hebrews Ch 12. St Clement of Rome writes: “Wherefore having so many and great glorious examples set before us, let us turn again to the practice of that peace which from the beginning was the mark set before us.”

News of the parish:

Please keep praying for a good resolution in the legal matter we are involved with. Thankfully, there is no new news to announce.

Please keep Deacon Thomas Donlin in your prayers as he prepares for priestly ordination (June 6) which will take place during the Eparchy Week of Formation from June 3 through to June 7.

Having met with the advisory board we have decided to start an Instagram page and also to stream live our Divine Liturgy. This will act as a means of getting us better known and provide a means for those who are unable to attend to watch and pray with us. In keeping with discretion, it will not be an invasive broadcast and the camera will be blocked at Communion. This is something that I did in Texas and we found that we had people praying with us as far as Japan and Australia! These same people also donated to us.

We welcome back Miss Maria Murin who will be with us over the summer months having just one more year to attend at Notre Dame, IN. before graduating.

Memorial Day: God bless you all over this last weekend. Let us remember with gratitude those who serve and who have served our country. May God bless our Government and all those in the service of our country. Love of our country is a good thing, God blesses a nation for its righteousness and even gives each land an Angel to guard it.

Mini catechism: shortly after Divine Liturgy we will hold our twenty minute mini catechism for the children upstairs in the church.

Apostles Fast: This year the Apostles Fast will be this evening after Vespers and lasts until June 28. The Typikon prescribes strict abstinence on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Rosary Relay: Each year we are part of an international rosary relay. Friday June 7th has been allotted to us. However, in keeping with our own Tradition we will be united singing an Akathist to the Mother of God at 5.45am. Amy will lead the service in my absence as I will still be at the Eparchy Days of Formation in Albuquerque, NM.

  • Last Week’s collection amounted to $ with xx in attendance. Many thanks!
  • Hospitality List: Please sign up and cover for refreshments after Liturgy. If you are unable to make it please find a replacement and let us know. Things can get very hectic especially over the summer months.
  • Prayer intentions: Please pray for the Bishop Elect Ray who will be consecrated as Auxiliary Bishop of Sacramento on Friday at the Roman Cathedral. Darlene Jansen and her speedy return to health, Gene Ford, in good spirits and recovering from surgery. Please pray for safe travels for the Baker family in New York for David’s graduation from college. Congratulations to him!
  • Please also pray for the following: Fr. Michael, Fr. Marcus, Fr. Chris, Fr. Randall, Fr. Michal, Fr. Patrik, Fr Christopher, Fr Theodore, Sr. Patricia, Margaret, Gary and Ingrid, Slawomir and Oceana, Darlene, Becky, Alexis, Marion, Curtis, Ronald, Jeanine, Taylor, Lorrie, Frances, Alex, Leroy, Michael, Thomas, Michael, Jennifer, John, Elizabeth, Judy, Ruth, Dimitri, Christie, Viktoria, Margaret, Patricia. Nadezda, Doug S, Murin family, Aisha, Faustyna, John, Maia, Najwa, Nadia, Favin, Nazmin, Barbara, Trish, Shalom World, Jesse, Charles, Monica, Matt, Jackie, Tim, Edward, Don S, Monica S, Rachel Pineda and family, John, Kazu, Jacob, Brent. Karen and Raymond Vincent and family. Mark Lopez. Dan and Sherrin. The Lauffer and Attias families in Jerusalem. Jacob Gonzales. Sarah. Theresa V., David. Lilly.

Liturgical Schedule:

Sunday, 26 May

8:30 am confessionsSunday of All Saints, 9:30 am Divine Liturgy

Sunday of All Saints

Tone 8  Reader: Richard

Wed, 29 May

5:30 pm Divine Liturgy

Fri, 31 May

6:30 am Divine Liturgy

Sat, Jun 1

9:00 am  Divine Liturgy

Sunday, Jun 2

8:30 am confessions, 9:30 am Divine Liturgy

2nd Sunday after Pentecost

Tone 1 Reader: Victor

Confessions: are available before all Liturgies or arrange a visit. Phone number (916) 452-1888.

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