Bulletin for 28 Apr 2024 – Sunday of the Samaritan Woman

Christ is Risen! Indeed he is Risen!

Christos voskrese! Voistinnu Voskrese!

Christos Anesti! Alithos Anesti!

SUNDAY of the SAMARITAN WOMAN, Sunday April 28th 2024.

Dear Friends, The reading from the Acts of the Apostles is noteworthy since for the very time the disciples, the new Christians of the nascent church are known as the Christianoi, that is, as Christians. What stands out and bears witness to them is their love one for another. This is a beautiful testimony to the Christians and was not something lost to the Pagans who saw their way of life. In fact the Acts describe Christians as those who follow the ‘way.’ This knowledge that the Christians were different from the rest makes me think of the words of Christ that “doing the good, others would see your good works and glorify their heavenly Father.”

This Sunday we celebrate the Sunday of the Samaritan Woman. Tradition tells us that her name was Photina. The name suggests that she was enlightened by her encounter with Christ.

B88E930D-CA58-428F-B6C0-41E6E3735F98Her story is a story of isolation. The result of a sinful life is that we not only cut ourselves off from God but also our neighbor.

Photina feels keenly a sense of rejection. Unlike the rest of the women in the village she goes to the well at a time when there will be no one around to see her. Even to this day in Africa you will see the women carrying pots of water on their heads at dawn and at dusk. It would simply be so much more difficult to carry water in the full noon day heat. And yet, this is what Photina does. She will at least not be scoffed at by everyone else for her lifestyle which is offensive to the married women in her village.

Her encounter goes through a whole gamut of emotions. At first she is quite cocky and proud the way she addresses the stranger asking her for water. She is quick to tell him that Samaritans don’t mix, that is, have anything to do with Jews.

Secondly, she asks the stranger who promised her water to quench her thirst eternally, how he could do that from this well. After all, he didn’t even have a bucket! Christ however, chooses to be gracious and tells her to fetch her husband. “I have no husband,” she replies. Christ says that she says well, since the man she is with at present is not her husband nor the five men before him.

At this, Photina senses that he may be a prophet, for, he read her heart and laid bare her sinful life. In the right sense of the word, she shows no shame and yet owns that Christ read her heart. She senses that he really wants to make her happy and now she seeks the company of others to tell them that He is the Holy One. She has become a disciple and brings others to meet Christ who has given her the promise of living water which symbolizes his love and grace.

St John Chrysostom writes on v19 “Sir, I perceive that thou are a prophet: “The woman is not offended at Christ’s rebuke. She does not leave Him and go away. Far from it: her admiration for him is raised: the woman said to Him: Sir I perceive that you are a prophet: as if she said: Your knowledge of me is unaccountable, you must be a prophet. And having come to this belief she asks no questions relating to this life, the health or sickness of the body: she is not troubled about thirst, she is eager for doctrine.

News of the parish:

Please keep in your prayers our own Darlene Jansen who is resting at a rehabilitation center in Carmichael after her recent fall. Darlene’s rehab center is in fact close to my apartment and so I hope to continue to visit her and bring her the Eucharist. She is in pain and in good cheer. The injury will require a few weeks of rest. Please reach out to Darlene if you are able to comfort and visit her.

There will be Safe Environment announcement for those attending the mini-catechism. There are forms for parents who may wish to opt out of age-appropriate abuse training. Lawsuit: please pray that things go smoothly. At this point although I have retained a lawyer, per instructions of the Chancery, still the Lawyer has been on vacation. After an initial conversation with him next week, he may have questions which I may then ask some of the parishioners in order that there be a clear idea of what transpired. This may be needed for the paperwork involved. Please keep this all in your prayers.

Conference last Thursday: The conference at the Highlands Parish of St Lawrence the Martyr went well with about 20 or so in attendance.

Given that things are fluid in regards to business with the Lawyer there will be no conference this Thursday. Also, given that Amy is not able to cantor until Saturday, I hope that Gene will make it for Tuesday & Thursday Divine Liturgy. If we are short a cantor then we will simply sing an Akathist to the Mother of God.

Tuesday will also be a visit to the oncologist, so please pray that that goes well.

  • Last Week’s collection amounted to $ with xx in attendance. Many thanks!
  • Hospitality: in addition to the hospitality sign up there is a ‘clean up’ column. Please sign on as you can.
  • Prayer requests. Please pray for Oliver Bardin, Darlene Jansen and Gary Stewart. Please pray for Margaret Dean who remains united to us in prayer and while unable to drive the long distance here, certainly thinks of us and prays for us. Please pray for Fr Milan Kasperek, a priest of the Eparchy presently serving in the Middle East.
  • Please also pray for the following: Fr. Michael, Fr. Marcus, Fr. Chris, Fr. Randall, Fr. Michal, Fr. Patrik, Fr Christopher, Fr Theodore, Sr. Patricia, Margaret, Gary and Ingrid, Slawomir and Oceana, Darlene, Becky, Alexis, Marion, Curtis, Ronald, Jeanine, Taylor, Lorrie, Frances, Alex, Leroy, Michael, Thomas, Michael, Jennifer, John, Elizabeth, Judy, Ruth, Dimitri, Christie, Viktoria, Margaret, Patricia. Nadezda, Doug S, Murin family, Aisha, Faustyna, John, Maia, Najwa, Nadia, Favin, Nazmin, Barbara, Trish, Shalom World, Jesse, Charles, Monica, Matt, Jackie, Tim, Edward, Don S, Monica S, Rachel Pineda and family, John, Kazu, Jacob, Brent. Karen and Raymond Vincent and family. Mark Lopez. Dan and Sherrin. The Lauffer and Attias families in Jerusalem. Jacob Gonzales. Sarah. Theresa V., David. Lilly. Mary Beth, Danny, Eric.

Liturgical Schedule:

Sun, Apr 28

8:30 am confessions 9:30 am Divine Liturgy

Sunday of the Samaritan Woman at the Well

Festal Tone. Reader: Richard

Tues, Apr 30

5:30 pm Divine Liturgy or Akathist

Thur, May 2

5:30 pm Divine Liturgy or Akathist

Sat, May 4

9:00 am Divine Liturgy

Sun, May 5

8:30 am confessions 9:30 am Divine Liturgy

Sunday of the Man Born Blind

Festal Tone. Reader: Victor

Confessions: are available before all Liturgies or arrange a visit. Phone number (916) 452-1888.

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