Bulletin for Apr. 22, 2018 – Sunday of the Paralytic

O Holy Apostle Philip,
Intercede with the merciful God
That he may grant our souls forgiveness of sins.

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Christ is Risen! Indeed He’s Risen! + Christos Voskres! Voistinu Voskres!

From the Fathers of the ChurchSerbianFrescoParalytic

St. John Chrysostom
The perseverance of the paralytic was astonishing. He was thirty-eight years old, and each year he hoped to be freed from his disease. He lay there waiting, never giving up. If he had not persevered as much as he did, wouldn’t his future prospects, let alone the past, have been enough to discourage him from staying around that place? Consider how alert the other sick people there would be, since no one knew for sure when the waters would be troubled. The lame and the limping could observe it, but how would a blind man? Maybe he learned it from the clamor that arose. Let us be ashamed then, beloved, let us be ashamed and groan over our excessive laziness. That man had been waiting thirty-eight years without obtaining what he desired, and he still did not withdraw. And he failed, not through any carelessness of his own but through being oppressed and suffering violence from others. And still he did not give up. We … might persist in prayer for something for ten days or so, and if we have not obtained it, we are too lazy afterwards to employ the same energy [as he did]. And yet, we will wait forever on our fellow human beings, fighting and enduring hardships, performing menial labor, all for the chance of something that in the end fails to meet our expectations. But when it comes to our Master, from whom we are sure to obtain a reward greater than our labors … we exercise no such diligence in waiting on him…. For even if we receive nothing from him, isn’t the very fact that we are able to converse with him continually the cause of ten thousand blessings?

St. Augustine of Hippo
What significance is there, then, in the bed, I ask you? What, except that that sick man was carried on the bed, but when healed, he carries the bed? What was said by the apostle? “Bear your burdens, each for the other, and so you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Now the law of Christ is love, and love is not fulfilled unless we bear our burdens, each for the other. “Bearing with one another,” he says, “in love, eager to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” When you were sick, your neighbor was carrying you. You have been healed; carry your neighbor. So you will fulfill, O man, what was lacking to you. “Take up,” therefore, “your bed.” But when you have taken it up, do not stay; “walk,” In loving your neighbor, in being concerned about your neighbor, you are taking a trip. Where are you taking a trip to except to the Lord God, to him whom we ought to love with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our mind? For, we have not yet reached the Lord, but we have our neighbor with us. Therefore carry him with whom you are walking that you may reach him with whom you long to stay. Therefore “take up your bed, and walk.”

Last Sunday, 48 souls came to pray at St. Philip’s, our tithes to the Lord were $, donations $, candles $. Thank you for supporting our church, may God bless you abundantly for your generosity. Please consider making St. Philip’s parish a part of your estate planning.

Prayer requests. Fr. Marcus, Fr. Chris, Fr. Jozef, Fr. Randall, Fr. Brendan, Fr. Ted & Barbara, Sr. Patricia, Gary and Ingrid, Margaret and Don, Walter, Adam, Margaret, Oceana, Becky, Alexis, Marion, Curtis, Ronald, Taylor, Lorrie, Rosa, Frances, Maros, Alex, Ted.

Hospitality signup sheet: Apr 29 – Janson family, May 6- Baker family, May 13 – open. Please sign up for hospitality for the upcoming Sundays; the signup sheet is in the parish hall. Thank you to Prescott family providing hospitality for us last Sunday.

PILGRIM VOCATION ICON As we pray for the Lord to have mercy on our church and send us good and holy shepherds, remember especially the children and youth of our parish, for the grace to desire God’s will for their lives, and to discern and follow their vocation. Vocation icon schedule: Apr 22 – Gene Ford, Apr 29 – Marion Williams, May 6 – Agayoff family, May 13 – Janson family. (To sign up, please contact Jon & Abby Burke, or Fr. Francis.)

Bishop’s Appeal 2018. To this date, 11 households participated in the Appeal, giving $ (our goal is $). Thank you for your generosity. Please send your pledges and donations directly to the bishop’s office (Holy Protection of Mary Byzantine Catholic Eparchy, 8105 North 16th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85020). Do not send cash, you can donate by check (payable to the Eparchy), or credit card. If you did not receive your Appeal mailing, see Fr. Francis for the pledge form and informational letter.

Called By Name. Every parish throughout the Byzantine Metropolitan Church of Pittsburgh (every Byzantine Catholic parish in the United States) is participating in Called By Name, a program of vocation awareness that begins this weekend. This program offers an opportunity for us to pray for vocations; to recognize gifts and potential for leadership and service in members of our parish; and finally, to call forth and encourage these members to share their gifts in the priesthood, diaconate, monastic and religious life. Perhaps you know a man or woman (senior high school age or older) who would, in your opinion, have the qualifications to become a priest, a deacon a religious sister or monk. Please recommend this person by filling out the nomination form found in today’s bulletin and send it directly to Fr. Michael O’Loughlin, the Director of Vocations for the Eparchy.

ALIVE IN CHRIST. This Eparchial “ascetical boot camp” retreat is to take place Thursday to Sunday, July 12-15, 2018 at Palomar Christian Conference Center, CA. Parish boys from 7 to 17 years of age and their fathers are invited to attend. Boys under 11 years old must have a father or legal male guardian in attendance. The camp aims at helping young men mature in their Catholic faith and a life of authentic Christian discipleship by means of an intensive spiritual program coupled with recreation and friendship building. For application forms and further information see Fr. Francis. Applications and tuition are due by May 18th. For further details, please feel free to contact Fr. Michael O’Loughlin, Eparchial Vocations Director, at 720-254- 9219, or at michaelpauloloughlin@gmail.com. You may also contact Fr. Michael Mandelas, Assistant Vocations Director, at 206-329-9219 or at mjmandelas@gmail.com.

MYRRH-BEARERS’ RETREAT, this year with theme: Theotokos – Model of Grace, will take place on June 22nd-24th, 2018; at the Franciscan Renewal Center, 5820 E. Lincoln Drive, Scottsdale, AZ 85253. Myrrh-Bearers is a spiritual retreat for girls and teens (7-17) and women (18+) sponsored by the Eparchy of Phoenix to provide an opportunity for participants to grow in a deeper relationship with our Lord. For more information and to register, see Fr. Francis, or visit https://myrrh-bearers.com/
Liturgical schedule

Apr 23rd
6:30 AM Divine Liturgy.
Holy and Great Martyr George.

Apr 25th
5:30 PM Divine Liturgy.
Mid-Pentecost. Holy Apostle and Evangelist Mark.

Apr 29th
8:30 Confessions.
9:30 AM Divine Liturgy.
Sunday of the Samaritan Woman.
Cantor: Gene Ford.

For Confession, please come half an hour before the scheduled services, or schedule an appointment. Fridays in general are days of fasting and penance, we observe abstinence from meat foods. Let us remember one another as we offer our prayers and sacrifices to the Lord.

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